Sunday, 2 February 2014

Alfredo Garcia's Tribute to Synthetic Cubism

Alfredo Garcia's series, "Abstract Elegance" provides a crafty aesthetic, which offers tribute to Synthetic Cubism.  This artistic period was a revolutionary movement which began in Spain during the early 20th century as an extension of analytic cubism. Inspired by the creations of Pablo Picasso and Georges Braques, these artists began to challenge the traditional flatness of the canvas by introducing three dimensional materials onto the picture plane. As a result, the collage was born, a style of art making, which incorporates various materials into the painting. The result is an emotive expression of reality, which is both textural and depth-oriented. 

Garcia's most blatant tribute to this artistic tradition is his piece, " Groovy Celebrations". This brilliant mixed media work provides five separate windows into mysterious  abstract worlds. The worlds are framed by a background of heavily textured and dynamic brush marks. He also covers this expressive surface with fusions of his trademark palette: muted earth tones. Moreover, each world is filled with figures gathering together within obscure contexts. Garcia adds collage elements by incorporating newspaper clippings and paper cut-outs into this mixed media fantasy. Through this forceful and mystifying imagery, Garcia captures his  deep-rooted responses to his social environment. 

Another piece, which beautifully takes inspiration from Synthetic Cubism is " Observatory Life". This piercing masterpiece offers the viewer a lens into a world of darkness imbued with religious undertones. Garcia incorporates a three dimensional cross as well as image clippings, colored tissues and metal into the powerful scene, depicting a dark city beneath an irate sky of lightening. Ultimately, the use of collage enhances the stimulating spectacle of nature's breathtaking power.

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